Getting Started with Alkaline

It is recommended that everyone who chooses to drink alkaline water start by drinking the 8.5 pH alkaline water.
The alkaline water is obtained by pushing the blue button on the front of the machine
Multiple pushes will move you through the three different levels of the alkaline water that are produced.
This water is dispensed through the TOP flexible hose.
Drink at least ½ of your body weight in ounces each day.
If you do physically demanding work, participate in strenuous athletics, or are dealing with “sickness issues”, you need to drink more alkaline water to help your body move towards and achieve homeostasis.
In this situations, it is recommended that you drink at least ¾ of your body weight in ounces.
Drinking 1 ounce per pound of body weight per day produces real “miracles”.
After successfully drinking the suggested 8.5 pH alkaline water for 2 weeks. (“successfully” means that you are not experiencing any discomfort while drinking the water, other than the frequency of urination)
You may choose to increase the water pH level up to 9.0 pH setting.
Repeat for another 2 weeks and move to 9.5 pH setting.